Mineral Creek Falls
Hoh Rainforest
Directions: From Forks, travel south on US 101 for 13 miles, and turn left onto Upper Hoh Road. Then drive 18 miles to its end at Hoh Visitor Center and trailhead.
Ownership: Olympic National Park
Distance: 5.0 miles roundtrip
Difficulty: easy
National Park or Interagency Pass required
Kid-friendly, Dogs prohibited
© Lani Doely Photography
Mineral Creek Falls is tucked within spiraling Sitka spruces, towering firs, and moss draped maples in Washington’s most famous rainforest. It’s a pleasant hike through primeval forest and along the glacier-fed Hoh River to reach these pretty falls.
Pass the busy Hall of Mosses and Spruce Nature trails and follow the Hoh River Trail. Hike through colonnades of spruces and through tunnels of mossy maples. And while the surroundings are lush, the understory is fairly open due to browsing elk. A hike here in winter is a good time to see them. At 1.5 miles the trail finally comes along the river. One mile farther just past a campsite, the trail crosses Mineral Creek on a log bridge just below the delightful 66-foot waterfall. Admire the silver cascade against emerald mossy ledges.